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Spinal Solutions Sarasota LLC

Achieve Your Goals through providing your body an opportunity to heal itself with the assistance of Advanced Biostructural Corrections (ABC). ABC corrects bones that are displaced in an anterior position and in a manner that the body cannot self correct; when these bones are corrected they allow the body to unconsciously spring back into optimal posture without effort on the part of the individual. When the body is functioning with optimal structural stability, individuals are able to perform without noticing their bodies in a distracting manner; furthermore, when the structure is correct, pressure is removed from the brain stem and individuals can achieve mental clarity and perform in ways previously through to be unattainable. 

Helping Hand

Learn More About Me

 I recently moved from Calgary Alberta Canada to beautiful, sunny, Sarasota United States. I received my Massage Therapy license and Bachelor of Science in Alberta, Canada. I continued my education in Advanced Biostructural Correction and Endonasal Correction in the United States. As a lifelong learner, I am continually learning new ways to optimize ones physical and mental health.

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Achieve Your Goals

Support That Makes a Difference

ABC Correction


Endonasal Correction

Motivational Speaker

“Our life is what our thoughts make it”

Marcus Aurelius

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Sarasota, FL, USA


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